Tuesday, July 3, 2012

To My Baby Boy

To my baby boy-

You are laying on your play mat pulling on one of the toys and trying to put it in your mouth. You are probably really annoyed because it won’t reach your  mouth because it is attached to the mat. You love putting things in your mouth. Sometimes you will stare at my arm or my hand and then slowly pull it toward your mouth and take a big slobbery bite of it. Yesterday you “ate” a zwieback toast stick. Well, you got it really wet and slobbery and then spit it out in small bits and then went back for more so you could do it again.

You seem to have stopped growing at the alarming rate you did for the first few months.

Your are so beautiful that people stop us on the street, the grocery store, wherever we are to admire you.
 We just beam.
 We already know how perfect you are, but it’s nice to hear others say it.

Your two favorite things are being sung to and being outside. Your favorite song is “hobo’s lullaby directly followed by “baby tree” sung to you by your dad. You are never sad when you go for walks, never sad when your dad sings to you, and rarely sad in the car. Today you started to like it when I played peekaboo with you, although we have a faint suspicion that you might be much smarter than us and just humoring us by laughing at our silly antics. If that’s the case, I must apologize, the antics will only increase as you age.

 I love to give you baths and watch you kick, kick, kick in the water. I still love to rub my face on your soft hair and inhale your sweetness. I love to pick you up right when you start whining because I don’t want you to think, even for one second, that we forgot about you. I know that people would say that I shouldn’t do that and you will get spoiled. To that, I say, “I don't care.”

I love it when your dad holds you and you curl up in his arms and look like a little koala.
You have 2 tiny teeth coming in on the bottom.
 Everything you do is captivating to us.
 I hope that you can feel how much we love you.
 I think you can.

Love forever-
Your mommy

1 comment:

  1. So sweet Kim, I'm so happy for your beautiful Family :)
