Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Working Together...

Around the beginning of August, panic-mode began to set in for me. In a mere few weeks I would be responsible for the linguistic needs of nearly 200 eleventh graders. Thier future success or failure hung in my ill-prepared hands. Oliver stepped up to the plate. He came with me to my classroom at Mountain View High day after day and helped me prepare lessons, mediated freak-outs, suffered through the blazing heat of summer and no air-conditioner, made power-points, handouts, games, and food runs. Even though it was stressful, it was also fun and fulfilling to be working on a project together. When I talk to him about my work stuff, I know he understands because he was there with me and knows details that he wouldn't otherwise. We decided that we should always be working on a project together because it helps us feel close. Right now our project is making a baby. It is the only one we have had time for the past few months. My job is to keep track of the baby's whereabouts, feed it, keep it entertained, suffer through doctor's visits, and let Oliver know when the baby does something especially interesting (ie: moves a lot). Oliver's job is to rub me, bring me food and listen to me complain. We both excel in our departments. It's great to have a partner in life.

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