Sunday, March 25, 2012

Baby Gabey- Our Christmas Angel

The long-awaited Christmas break finally came. Greg went home for the holidays and Oliver and I had 2 whole weeks to just enjoy each other. Being very pregnant, I couldn't travel home and really couldn't do much so we took it easy. On Christmas eve eve, we went out for sushi at Happy Sumo and then walked around Riverwoods. We especially liked the toy store where Kim got a free massage and meeting Santa in his little cottage.

Kim, Gabe, and Santa
This was an odd looking santa but he was so nice. He let me sit on his knee even though I was huge and when I said something about being huge he said, "you're not so big". I loved him for that.

We also made this awesome puzzle during break. 
We went home and each opened 1 gift cuz we couldn't wait. Christmas eve we spent watching falalalalifetime movies, tho I think this year they changed the name but I can't remember to what. We also made dinner of ham and all the fixings. Then we played some yahtzee and were just getting into bed to watch our last lifetime movie when kim said, "um, I think I peed my pants maybe?" Nope, my water broke. Well, we both went into panic/action mode. Kim started shaking and didn't stop till little Gabe was here. Oliver tried to pack a bag (since Gabe wasn't due for another 3 weeks we weren't really prepared). He grabbed movies, shirts, who knows what, and off we went to the hospital. I called my fam and they had just left my gramdma's house from the traditional Christmas eve celebration. When we got to the hospital I was the only one there and I will remember every detail forever but I won't bore you all with them here. I will just say a few things. Having my first baby was interesting and fun and weird and awesome. I had no idea what to expect and so every step of the way I was curious to know what came next. I felt scared but capable and really well taken care of. I never felt worred that something was going to go wrong and that was a blessing. Everything happened quickly and without any hiccups. Gabe came out and cried immediately but then calmed right down and has been calm ever since. He was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. So handsome, he gets that from his dad, of course. Being in the hospital room for a few days with my new baby boy and Oliver was one of my favorite things I've ever done. Everything felt safe and exciting and just wonderful. The feeling in there was so sweet. I can close my eyes and feel it again.
here is baby gabey on his first day on earth

Even though we debated between Dominick and Gabriel for names, we immediately knew that he was a Gabriel. Our angel Gabriel. I have a very good feeling about this boy:)

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