Thursday, April 26, 2012

I got lucky on Prom night

Another reason why teaching is the bomb is I finally got to go to prom with someone I actually like. Ollie and I chaperoned MVHS' prom last Saturday night. It was fun to see my students all dressed up and watch them dance awkwardly. I'm sure they thought the exact same thing about me:) Our job as chaperones was just to walk around and make sure nothing entirely inappropriate was happening. We were glad that we didn't get assigned the job of "modest police". One of the chaperoning couples was given a bag of hideous shawls and had to hand them out to girls with strapless dresses. Yikes. Now, I have to make an announcement. Oliver has got moves. I have heard many times that "Abbotts don't dance". It's like a mantra for them that they have all convinced themselves is true. Not so folks, not so. I don't know what it was, a boost in confidence? the advent of dance-themed video games? just getting over self-consiousness and trying? who knows, but if you get Oliver on a dance floor, he just might surprise you. I'm so glad that I don't have to drag my man on the dance floor, but that he will dance willingly with me. And, of course, slow songs were the best.
here is us at prom. does the dress look familiar? What? I have to get my money's worth on the thing:)

Here is prom at about 8:45 (it went from 8-12) Most couples arrived fashionably late. It was a pretty pathetic party there for a while. We were legitimatley concerned.

This was my second prom (having not been such a cutie in high school) and Oliver's 5th prom (having retained his handsomeness from high school). But, for both of us, it was the first prom where we could do whatever we wanted and not have to talk to the bishop the next day at church:)

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